I was going to start this blog with a story about eating scorpions--and I will, soon. First, however, There is the man named "shi." The story is short and it made a serious impression on me that I will never forget. I went to a park in down town Beijing by myself. My friends went to see Avengers in 3D with Chinese sub-titles. It was 120 yuan (about $20) and I couldn't justify the expense when I buy breakfast every morning for 3-5 yuan (about 75 cents). So I went to the park. There was a big crowd of people dancing...just dancing like a line dance in the middle of the afternoon. Now, mind you, that these were not a bunch of teenagers or professional dancers; these people were young, old, good dancers, bad dancers, and everyone in between. I wanted to dance too, but I didn't want to be the center of attention just yet. I'm already the talk of the subway. Some people point. Most just stare. No need to make matters worse. So I watched.
After the dance I climbed the hill in the park that had little stone pathways leading to many different parts of the hill. At the top I found "Shi”。 He was sitting on a bench on the top of the hill. When he saw me he said, "请坐,请坐。” while tapping the empty seat on the bench next to him. Now, those of you who know Chinese culture know that personal space is not understood in the same way as it is in the US. We talked in Chinese for some time. He had some sort of disability that made his movements a little slow, but it wasn't serious...and he wasn't homeless. You could tell he was brilliant in his own way, and he told me about his kids. He drew out his last name for me on the bench with his finger: "Shi". He grabbed my arm and felt my elbow and fingers...then put his hand on mine to measure the size and color of his to mine. He was patient with my Chinese and asked me many questions. I understood only some. When I got up to leave, he showed me the way down the hill and walked me some distance to the entrance of the subway--making sure I could find my way. When I said good bye he lifted his hand to wave and looked me straight in the eye. As we made eye contact we communicated more in a moment then I had with all the Chinese I've ever met. We understood each other more in that moment than I even understand my American friends. The only other person in the world that I have understood in this way is Alfredo...an old family friend from Argentina who cannot be explained with words. My family will know what I mean. With no spoken words this Chinese man said to me, "Thank you friend. I understand you. I know you. I will remember you. Thank you..." and I hope he understood me as well. Someday we will meet again, "shi". Someday.
Now for scorpions. Yes I ate three scorpions. They were wiggling on a stick, alive and well, until the "Shifu" dipped them in oil and handed them to me to eat. I hope you like the pictures. I was ok with the taste although I felt a little queezy afterwards. It wasn't the taste as much as the feel of the tail, stinger, claws, and legs of the little guys in my mouth. They had a little crunch to them and were heavily flavoured with salt. I was grateful for the salt! I also had some dumplings filled with some meat I was unfamiliar with. Someone told me it was sea horse. I think they were right. I drew the line when I saw the tarantulas. I can't do large hairy spider. I'm sorry. I am not brave.
Down town Beijing is beautiful. Its not like GaoBeiDian where we live. Its clean and nice with huge buildings and even bigger shopping centers. I have never in my life been around so many people. Its a sea of black hair that is endless. It is hard to comprehend 1.3 billion people till you come here--then you get it. Its hard to explain...there are just so many people.
As I was leaving the shopping center I saw this sign. It is in Chinese and I am posting it for my Mom who I love very much and to whom I literally owe my life. This sign, the big characters, says, "妈妈,我爱你。" It means, Momma, I love you.
And Momma, I really do.
If you want, Mom, for Mother's Day I'll send you a fried scorpion on a stick from Beijing. Guessing that you don't. I hope you enjoy this pictures instead.
Love to all.