Monday, June 18, 2012


How do you rectify Chinese history, Western history, and the gospel of Jesus Christ?  I apologise for opening with such a heavy question, but have you ever pondered on this thought?  China claims to have the oldest continuous culture in the world.  I don't think I know enough about Chinese history yet to answer this question; I have only learned enough to ask it.

In Xian we went to an old Islamic Mosque, one of the oldest and largest in China--and in the world for that matter.  When I was there, questions raced through my mind  faster than I could catch them.  We went to some other religious centers as well: a Catholic cathedral and a Buddhist tower.  Of all these beautiful structures, all wrought with dramatic world history and steeped in religious folk lore, one sign grabbed my attention and held it like a vice.  It was a sign hung over the waiting shelter leading to the worship center in the Mosque.  It simply said, "一直。”  What does it mean?  It is pronounced like a "long e" sound and then the way that Jackson pronounces Jared's name: "Jer" or "zhir."  Well, we have our English equivalents.  We have, the "straight and now path," or "unwavering," and the "way."  These all imply commitment and devotion on a road leading to salvation.  I have never seen a more beautiful way of expressing this thought than that sign hung on over the arch.  Literally it means "one straight," or more perfectly, "straight."

I am grateful to understand the true way.  Now, straight.

muslim guy
buddhist wild goose pagota
another Muslim guy
catholic cathedral

cathedral through the fence
catholic church

cool pic Muslim guy
two Chinese Muslims
Now on to lighter matters.  I'm sure you have heard that the Chinese like white skin.  I was not surprised, then, to see all the women who think they are pretty carrying umbrellas on the sunny days.  I was surprised, however, when I saw the commercials for the cream that makes you white...its like a fake tan...but not.  The commercial says in Chinese, "Your skin will get visibly whiter!  See this woman's skin?  She used 'Skin White' and now she is visibly whiter!  Amazing!"  I couldn't help but laugh.  Really!?  The lady in the family I live with spend about 30 minutes each morning putting on sun block, applying, rubbing it in, and making sure she doesn't forget a spot.  In 80 years all Americans will be dying of skin cancer.  Chinese women will still look 45.

My Chinese is improving quickly.  I wish I had the guts or motivation to just go outside and talk to people all a missionary.  But I quickly run out of things to say to people--and I get a little embarrassed.  I still try everyday though.  Last night I bought some socks on the side of the road.  There were lots of Chinese people around and my Chinese was perfect.  My favorite thing about speaking in Chinese is the people walking by who stop dead in their tracks, turn around, and just stare at you like you are from Mars.  It happens every time if you speak good Chinese.  So I was asking the lady about the socks and how much they were per pair and what colors she had etc.  There was a good 10 people just staring at me blocking traffic.  The lady next to me, also trying to buy sock, said in Chinese, "Who is this foreigner?  His Chinese is better than mine!" lol.  I laughed and said thank you.  I may not be able to give a discourse on political succession or anthropology, but I can buy some socks!

Finally, I may include some pictures from the Beijing Museum of Chinese History.  If you think you know Chinese history, you probably do...from your American perspective.  Here is glimpse into the way the Chinese see their recent history.  It may surprise you and bring words to your mind such as, "propaganda," and "re-writing history" which all might be true.  Remember though that we have our own propaganda and unique way of writing history.

Chinese revolution victory

Mao ze dong group

mao ze dong tian'anmen

opium war
very important picture


So from China I bid you farewell once again.  May these words find you on the straight and narrow, or in Chinese:  一直


  1. Yay for socks! What color did you get?
    I read the Chinese history signs...I felt like I was watching the beginning of Star Wars and the text should have been flat and floating away from me with Star Wars theme music playing in my head. I'm so weird.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I was like, "why was she thinking Star Wars?" and then I started reading them. I totally get it. Good call!

  2. I think your posts are getting progressively awesomer. Did you forget that awesomer is an English word? Or not. :)

    This is my favorite one so far. You are going to be a changed man when you get back, I can tell.

  3. Wow, you found a piece of me in China...or at least something that SOUNDS like me. Anyway, cool post. I find the comparisons of culture fascinating (tan vs white etc). Isn't it interesting that both cultures want what they don't have. Beauty is something out there, not inside. Hmm. Keep it up dude. We pray for you.

  4. Haha. Regarding the white vs. tan: Wow! That is true that in movies and cartoons we watch, that the Chinese often have white skin. I never realized that completely before. My own opinion: goes to show you're perfect just the way you are. :) Why try to change your natural colors?:) Of course, I just highlighted my hair for the first time in my life three months ago. Before that, I'd never touched my hair with no more than Halloween colored hairspray paint. So, that tends to be me. What you see is what you get. Like it, or don't.:)

    So cool with all the experiences you're having. And so neat that you get to tour China and 'see the sites'. This will be a trip that you will never ever forget! So, while you're missing your family at home, wow! What an experience that is so unique. It pretty much sounds like a once in a lifetime experience!

    By the way, we DO pray for you. And we are doing our best to support your wonderful wife and kids while you're gone. Because we love all of you!

    Keep up the good work! And send lots more pictures.:) Take care!


  5. You know I was so baffled when I saw all of the chinese ladies walking around with umbrellas on a sunny day. And then I had a roommate from Japan who was obsessed with staying out of the sun. Anytime we were hanging outside, she would find shade even if it was from my shadow. Traveling the world gives you so much more perspective on everything we do. Tan/white, fat/slender, hair/no hair, short/tall ...someday we will all realize where true beauty lies. On the thought of religious beliefs and history, it makes me sick to think about it all. We all see the world around us the way we want to see it. That is why I am grateful for modern day revelation. Without that I would be wondering where that straight and sure path is. :) Thank you for your thoughts and experiences!
